Wednesday, June 30, 2010

How To Regulate Pressure On Recon Tack 5

Meegan, another possible OS for our Samsung H1

We've talked several times that he was working in the port of Android , today we talk about Meegan has a new OS for mobile , which also happened today is primer día o “Day 1” de la experiencia de usuario del SO para moviles MeeGo .

Ya se comentaba por los distintos foros en los que nos movemos los usuarios de los Samsung H1 , que el port a MeeGo seria mas sencillo que Android ya que este nuevo sistema operativo que nos han traído de la mano Intel y Nokia , es otro SO de código abierto por la Fundación Limo .

Tanto es una realidad que MeeGo es mas fácil de implementar que a pesar de que llevar poco tiempo publicado ya es posible cargar una ROM a nuestro terminal desde SD card, so if you do not expect it to be still functional, but it is certainly a big step.

The link where you're dealing with the issue of port of MeeGo our Samsung H1 and where we have a small boot tutorial MeeGo on a memory card then also from the same if we have programming skills could bring our knowledge.

Meego - Samsung H1 Wiki

Here's a video of how serious the new OS for the Samsung H1:

Still waiting for those who follow the port to Android is a video direct from China which shows an Android Samsung started in H1 undoubtedly another breakthrough.

can not embed the video, leave the link of the same

Video Android running on a Samsung GT-i8320

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Natuurist Family Vids

kirtan yoga and meditation


experiential course based on a unique method to introduce participants to the yogic lifestyle and contact with nature to develop their learning.

The course includes:

History and Philosophy of
yoga * yoga

* Psychology Society and economy


Asanas, mudras, and meditation kiirtan
and much more ...

Holistic Yoga, Ananda Marga, yoga asana. General headquarters belgrano rock
746. Apt 1 02941 15350550
in charge of the classes will be ac. Avt Ramashrayananda
yoga and meditation teacher

Monday, June 7, 2010

Best Painkiller For Brazilian Wax

New Firmware hand Moisesfco

As we discussed in another post, the imminent arrival of the next Samsung H1 The next terminal Limo taxes to bring us some advantages for our terminal.
In this case, thanks to Moisesfco have a new firmware based Firmware Samsung H2, which we can say that it is only a beginning and there are still many things to polish and improve, but it looks very very well in this first version of Firmware Moisesfco of change mainly apps menu, enhancing (rather than significantly) its speed and icons (now square if the terminal screen).

Although now has the bug that applications are to be minimized still not working.

If you want to try this new firmware: i8320moifco1
And do not forget to stop by the Flash Tutorial .

To follow all the progress of the amendments be passed by Moisesfco Official forum GSMSpain which is now in the third volume.