If you decide to follow the detailed tutorial below note that is low your responsibility and you could lose your warranty.
Before you begin, indicate that he does not know which is the terminal Flash that passes through the post of Tutorial main Flashing Samsung H1.
First thanks for this contribution to the moisesfco GSMspain forum.
We have to make a short summary of the most important, the costs Firmware mainly of three parts: PDA, PHONE and CSC, of \u200b\u200bwhich until now could only PDA PHONE upgrade because we are provide different sources (mainly:
This third file is not updated today's date by Vodafone or by NPS or for updates via OTA ).
How to find out which version I have? Easy dialing and calling code: * # 1234 # (to see more, codes). This file is moisesfco has given us i8320ATLIK5 version, which is the fifth revision of November 2009, noted that so far the Samsung H1 to sell new versions are even with the J4 and J6, corresponding to four six revisions of October the same year.
What this gives us a new file? The main improvement it brings, is to solve the problems that some users have had to make a hard-reset, they appeared the ghost of famous icons and Monopoly popcat , already in place (in demo mode and possibility, paying clear get the full version). Besides it does not bring great improvements to the naked eye of the user, rather than as each new version of eliminating potential bugs and performance improvements transparent. Did
who recommends this update? Primarily for users who have a Samsung H1 acquired outside of Spain, and the phone works with a file CSC the country of origin of the phone and usually they fail to be running some phone service in our country. Lastly
point, unlike when we update the files PHONE PDA and our phone, update the CSC leads delete some of the information we have in your phone memory, images, videos ... almost everything except the Vodafone 360 \u200b\u200bconnected to that the re-logged after you upgrade automatically recovers.
If after reading the post, decided to update the CSC, have no more than follow the Tutorial Flashing H1, performing the same steps with this new file.
Download: CSC i8320ATLIK5 .
Dercarga: CSC i8320ATLIK5 + I8320BUJB2 . Password: moisesfco.
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