often hard to find games new to our terminal (other than from payments from the store), work properly, and that either do not work full screen, appears to us with a virtual keyboard or simply not work and if they do, is at a speed that makes it impossible to execute.
Today I bring a couple of games that work well in our phone, to display competence and which I have already addressed the problem of virtual keyboard ( tutorial) and pixelated icons ( tutorial).
The first game is Space Invaders Evolution , Who does not? The legendary arcade game to kill to kill Martians.
Download: SpaceInvadersEvoluciónSamsungH1
And second we Abracadaball , or we could call it another version of ZUMA, where the player must form groups of three or more colored balls around the track before they reach the end of the circuit.
Download: AbracadaballSamsungH1
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