Android First ROM Firmware ver.0.1
already long since we had been waiting for the day on which Android start seeing the light in our terminals, and it seems that today, although a first beta version nonfunctional we can begin to see the results of months of work by a few brave.
The Rom that comes limofans today, and is aimed to prove that you can boot it in our terminals and between all "community" get Android make something functional in our Samsung H1.
What can we do? Actually in this first version can not do much, especially personally test the flow of SO as the features such as phone (call-messages), camera, internet, installation of applications ... and more things do not work yet.
Here is a small basic tutorial for those who want to venture:
Android runs from a microSD card, but we need to flash the terminal to tell the same having to find the operating system on the memory card.
From a Linux OS formatted the drive, unmount the drive and remove the partition.
Then create a new partition, format ext3 (as Fat32 but in Linux). We
Format the volume of the new partition and reassemble.
We enter the location of the card (possible location "/ media / [nombre_de_la_partición].
Unzip the file" release_root_v.0.1.tar.gz "in" / media / [nombre_de_la_partición]. With and command tar zxvf [ubicación_del_archivo] / release_root_v0.1.tar.gz.
And as last step from Windows flash the Odin Part i6410 PDA with the file " i8320_android.tar " as standard Flash Tutorial .
Thanks especially to all the people of limofans and GSMSpain and especially wallace200 has been the first to submit a mini-tutorials for the installation of the ROM.
Download: H1 Android version 0.1
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