's Dance
for 21 minutes daily practice
-cure 22 diseases
Kaoshiki is a dance performed by all students, and consists of 18 mudras, each with a specific meaning. The dance is both spiritual and physical exercise. Spiritual ideation dance is performed to establish a link with the divine and the physical strength and smooths the body. There is also a statement that the exercise strengthens the nervous and endocrine system to balance the whole body.
Kaoshikii was developed taking into account the impact of the glands and tissues. . It is a complete exercise for whole body. Nrtya Kaoshikii extends the life: women who dance are regularly maintained fit and healthy at least until the age of 80 years. spine is flexible - a rigid backbone is indicative of older age. Another advantage is that children make application easier and reduce the pain involved in childbirth. Pregnant women can practice dancing until the later stages of pregnancy, depending on your physical condition. hip joints are also strengthened by two strong steps to end the dance. Moreover, body fat is reduced. Dance acts as an antidote for many types of disease.
's self-expression, confidence and satisfaction are some of the mental benefits. Too many complex emotions that plague the mind can be overcome and controlled.
When the invention of dance Shrii Shrii Anandamurti said "all the world, women are subjected, they are considered second-class citizens in all countries. If you practice this dance, it will not stay more tenuous.
Spiritual benefits: mental ideation is essential for the dance is based on the idea of \u200b\u200bstriving to achieve a spiritual goal - to realize the relationship between - self and the Cosmic. The dancer imagines himself to be like a flower lotus in the egg yolks with its and the gradual opening petals unfolding to reveal the finer and finer layers of petals and the latest
below is reflected in the dancing body moves sideways, forwards and backwards from upright stance.deriva name of Icosa samskrta word meaning "layer of mind."