break in this season that has had the blog have appeared new H1DROID ROMs ( Android for our Samsung H1), which we will explain in future post Moreover, these have seen the light in a short period of time, which makes us understand that the issue is not so stands as previously thought.
We must bear in mind that we need to work with both Windows and Linux to do so, if you are a regular user of Windows it is easiest to have a CDLive of Linux, for example for this tutorial I have made the tests with Ubuntu CDLive of .
What is a CDLive? Simple, an operating system we have in a CD and need not be installed on the hard disk.
General Steps:
- Format microSD card by Linux and make files.
- Flashing our Samsung H1 with Odin.
1 .- From Linux (Ubuntu)
Format microSD card. We make two partitions on the card, the main ext3 never exceed 1GB of storage, and the second in fat32.
ext3 extension will be chosen to host the system files and android will be the phone's internal memory, and the second in Fat32 will be the memory will function as if it were a microSD card.
-We will have our distribution of Linux.
-In linux console and work through us logaremos as root.
# su # password: "introducir_la_contraseña."
If our partition is Ubuntu, the command "sudo nautilus" will have access to everything. Run a tool
partitioning. In our case Gparted:
# gparted
In the application select the card and formatted: ext3
-Extension : less than 1Gb. Fat32-partition
: The rest of the memory capacity.
After formatting the card, enter your location: # cd ubicación_de_la_partición_ext3_de_la_tarjeta
where to download the file containing the Android system by: # tar zxvf
[ubicación_del_archivo] / X.tar.bz2
Finally delete the folder that was created by default formatting ext3 "lost + found."
lost + found # rm
2 .- From Windows:
First of all those who have never used the Odin review: Flash Tutorial H1.
In this section we will shortly be extended, since we have the previous tutorial. Light the mobile
in Administrator mode: pulsadon with the phone off the camera button + power + volume down simultaneously.
Flash with the Odin elhttp: / / file "X.tar" on the PDA's Odin, the other options we will leave as are by any standard. Anger is
Tutorial updated as they still needed more steps or make it clearer.
Links: Android ver.01 - H1DROIDV0.1
Links: Android V0.2 (soon)
Links: Android V0.3 - H1DROIDV0.3
Links: Android v0.4 - H1DROIDV0.4
Thanks to all people:
Limofans GSMSpain
And Forums: Samsung H1 and H1DROID
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