usb-serial connection Debian Lenny
order to use a usb-serial adapter to get access to our servers via console must follow these steps:
1) Connect the adapter
2) review the devices connected to:
# dmesg Connection Manager: aptitude install putyy
4) Run putty, select the serial. By default we autocomplete to / dev/ttyS0, in this case we want to use our USB adapter, so delete / dev/ttyS0 and replace it with / dev/ttyUSB0 Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Carrizo Springs Javelin Facebook
inlambrica Network Setup Debian Lenny with WPA2
happened to comment on the step to configure WIFI on Debian Lenny.
System: Debian 5 Lenny
Network card: Broadcom Corporation BCM4311
802.11b / g (rev 01)
DHCP Security: WPA2-PSK
AES kernel module:
HowToIdentifyADevice PCI
How to use WiFi
HOWTO: Wireless Security - WPA1, WPA2, LEAP, etc.
Wireless To search our plate we can use the lspci command:
# lspci
add "contrib" in our official repository of Debian, / etc / apt / sources.list: deb lenny main contrib non-free packages
aptitude update installed the driver and security wpa: # aptitude install b43-fwcutter
wpasupplicant wireless-tools (we accept to download the firmware from the Internet)
raise the module: modprobe b43
possible networks we use to scan: iwlist wlan0 scan
We can also install Wifi-Radar to make the same thing but graphically:
aptitude install wifi-radar
For this test I want to connect to a hidden network using: WPA2-PSK AES
For this we create wpa passphrase: ID password
create the configuration file / etc / wpa_supplicant / wpa_supplicant.conf, inside is copy the file output of last command and some extra parameters, we have to look like:
ctrl_interface = / var / run / wpa_supplicant network = {
ssid = "xxxx" (here is your ssid)
scan_ssid = 1 proto = WPA2 Protocol (wpa2)
key_mgmt = WPA-PSK psk = dc6e50d4177da9db9e19c7bc33eab71d948069eb7583a03d136f35b1da24ed3b
} NOTE: The command wpa_passphrase they leave a psk =... where is the encrypted password and a # psk = password unencrypted, remember to delete the # psk = password, to leave only the encrypted version.
only remains to modify / etc / network / interfaces so that they look like this:
auto wlan0 iface wlan0 inet dhcp wpa-driver
(in my case I'm using the driver that corresponds to wext my motherboard Broadcom) Restart
interfaces to directly take their ip dhcp server and ready:
/ etc / init.d / networking restart
############### ################### Extra
Example configuration file / etc / networl / interfaces
auto wlan0 iface wlan0 inet static
gateway address dns-nameservers
192,168,168,230 192,168,168,230
netmask wpa-driver
wpa-ssid wpa
-ap-scan 2 wpa-
proto RSN wpa-pairwise CCMP wpa-group
CCMP wpa-key-mgmt WPA-PSK wpa-psk
[IMPORTANT: See "WPA-PSK key generation"]
* auto wlan0:
Your network interface (eg wlan0, eth1, rausb0, ra0, etc...)
* iface wlan0 inet static:
Self-explanatory... I am using a Static IP instead of DHCP. "iface wlan0" must correspond to your network interface (see above).
* address, netmask, [..], dns-nameservers:
Also self-explanatory... Be aware that "broadcast" needs to end with ".255" for negotiation with the router. These lines need to be according to your own (static) network settings. For DHCP see further below.
* wpa-driver:
Use "wext" only. All other drivers are outdated no longer used.
* wpa-ssid:
Your network's ESSID (no quotes ""). Please avoid blanks/spaces as they will created problems during key generation (see below).
* wpa-ap-scan:
"1" = Broadcast of ESSID.
"2" = Hidden broadcast of ESSID.
* wpa-proto:
"RSN" = WPA(2)
"WPA" = WPA(1)
* wpa-pairwise & wpa-group:
"CCMP" = AES cipher as part of WPA(2) standard.
"TKIP" = TKIP cipher as part of WPA(1) standard.
* wpa-key-mgmt:
"WPA-PSK" = Authentication via pre-shared key (see 'key generation' further below).
"WPA-EAP" = Authentication via enterprise authentication server.
VERY IMPORTANT ("WPA PSK Key Generation"):
Now convert your WPA ASCII password using the following command:
Resulting in an output like... Quote:
psk=fe727aa8b64ac9b3f54c72432da14faed933ea511ecab1 5bbc6c52e7522f709a
Copy the "hex_key" (next to "psk=...") and replace
in the "interfaces" files with it. Then save the file and restart your network:
sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart
espero les sea de utilidad.
Lucas Coudures Zenz
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License
Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 2.5 Argentina
happened to comment on the step to configure WIFI on Debian Lenny.
System: Debian 5 Lenny
Network card: Broadcom Corporation BCM4311
802.11b / g (rev 01)
DHCP Security: WPA2-PSK
AES kernel module:
HowToIdentifyADevice PCI
How to use WiFi
HOWTO: Wireless Security - WPA1, WPA2, LEAP, etc.
Wireless To search our plate we can use the lspci command:
# lspci
add "contrib" in our official repository of Debian, / etc / apt / sources.list: deb lenny main contrib non-free packages
aptitude update installed the driver and security wpa: # aptitude install b43-fwcutter
wpasupplicant wireless-tools (we accept to download the firmware from the Internet)
raise the module: modprobe b43
possible networks we use to scan: iwlist wlan0 scan
We can also install Wifi-Radar to make the same thing but graphically:
aptitude install wifi-radar
For this test I want to connect to a hidden network using: WPA2-PSK AES
For this we create wpa passphrase: ID password
create the configuration file / etc / wpa_supplicant / wpa_supplicant.conf, inside is copy the file output of last command and some extra parameters, we have to look like:
ctrl_interface = / var / run / wpa_supplicant network = {
ssid = "xxxx" (here is your ssid)
scan_ssid = 1 proto = WPA2 Protocol (wpa2)
key_mgmt = WPA-PSK psk = dc6e50d4177da9db9e19c7bc33eab71d948069eb7583a03d136f35b1da24ed3b
} NOTE: The command wpa_passphrase they leave a psk =... where is the encrypted password and a # psk = password unencrypted, remember to delete the # psk = password, to leave only the encrypted version.
only remains to modify / etc / network / interfaces so that they look like this:
auto wlan0 iface wlan0 inet dhcp wpa-driver
(in my case I'm using the driver that corresponds to wext my motherboard Broadcom) Restart
interfaces to directly take their ip dhcp server and ready:
/ etc / init.d / networking restart
############### ################### Extra
Example configuration file / etc / networl / interfaces
auto wlan0 iface wlan0 inet static
gateway address dns-nameservers
192,168,168,230 192,168,168,230
netmask wpa-driver
wpa-ssid wpa
-ap-scan 2 wpa-
proto RSN wpa-pairwise CCMP wpa-group
CCMP wpa-key-mgmt WPA-PSK wpa-psk
[IMPORTANT: See "WPA-PSK key generation"]
* auto wlan0:
Your network interface (eg wlan0, eth1, rausb0, ra0, etc...)
* iface wlan0 inet static:
Self-explanatory... I am using a Static IP instead of DHCP. "iface wlan0" must correspond to your network interface (see above).
* address, netmask, [..], dns-nameservers:
Also self-explanatory... Be aware that "broadcast" needs to end with ".255" for negotiation with the router. These lines need to be according to your own (static) network settings. For DHCP see further below.
* wpa-driver:
Use "wext" only. All other drivers are outdated no longer used.
* wpa-ssid:
Your network's ESSID (no quotes ""). Please avoid blanks/spaces as they will created problems during key generation (see below).
* wpa-ap-scan:
"1" = Broadcast of ESSID.
"2" = Hidden broadcast of ESSID.
* wpa-proto:
"RSN" = WPA(2)
"WPA" = WPA(1)
* wpa-pairwise & wpa-group:
"CCMP" = AES cipher as part of WPA(2) standard.
"TKIP" = TKIP cipher as part of WPA(1) standard.
* wpa-key-mgmt:
"WPA-PSK" = Authentication via pre-shared key (see 'key generation' further below).
"WPA-EAP" = Authentication via enterprise authentication server.
VERY IMPORTANT ("WPA PSK Key Generation"):
Now convert your WPA ASCII password using the following command:
Resulting in an output like...
psk=fe727aa8b64ac9b3f54c72432da14faed933ea511ecab1 5bbc6c52e7522f709a
in the "interfaces" files with it. Then save the file and restart your network:
sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart
espero les sea de utilidad.
Lucas Coudures Zenz
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License
Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 2.5 Argentina
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Fan And Regulator Connection
Install dictionaries in Evolution
order to activate the spell checker in Evolution to install: gnome-spell
aspell aspell-XX (replace XX is in, it, jp, etc).
If Debian would be:
# aptitude install gnome-spell aspell aspell-es
Once installed, just go to Evolution / Edit / Preferences / Composer Preferences / Spell Checking and enable new languages \u200b\u200bin that window.
Lucas Coudures Zenz
order to activate the spell checker in Evolution to install: gnome-spell
aspell aspell-XX (replace XX is in, it, jp, etc).
If Debian would be:
Once installed, just go to Evolution / Edit / Preferences / Composer Preferences / Spell Checking and enable new languages \u200b\u200bin that window.
Lucas Coudures Zenz
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
How Much Do Weave In Extensions Cost?
install Java on Debian Lenny
To install Java on Debian Lenny and Iceweasel:
aptitude install sun-java6-jre sun-java6-plugin sun-java6-jdk
restart the browser. Lucas
Coudures Zenz To install Java on Debian Lenny and Iceweasel:
restart the browser. Lucas
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike Alike 2.5 Argentina
Disconnected Screen Connector Laptop
default browser in Gnome directories
To avoid that every time we see a new window for each directory / folder to open up in Gnome, we need to set the option to browse the directories: Let
Applications> System Tools> Editor
settings or ALT + F2 -> gconf-editor Once inside the editor, navigate the menu expandable to:
apps> nautilus> preferences and mark the option always-use-browser
To avoid that every time we see a new window for each directory / folder to open up in Gnome, we need to set the option to browse the directories: Let
Applications> System Tools> Editor
settings or ALT + F2 -> gconf-editor Once inside the editor, navigate the menu expandable to:
apps> nautilus> preferences and mark the option always-use-browser
Thursday, October 1, 2009
One Day I Pregnant
ExpoProyecto 2009
27 to 29 October - Patio de las Americas
The Department of Engineering and Technological Research --------------------- Within the exhibition, on October 29, will be performed RoboLucha UNLaM, a robot competition (assembled by the students) in high mode. Guests
This year also exhibited outstanding work in schools
techniques and sample count on the old game consoles
RescateRetrobit ( Registration
projects can expose students work from previous years and also
unfinished projects. This year, like previous ones, will present awards and commendations for outstanding projects of the students. will be open from 18:00 pm. to 21:30 hs.
27 to 29 October - Patio de las Americas
The Department of Engineering and Technological Research --------------------- Within the exhibition, on October 29, will be performed RoboLucha UNLaM, a robot competition (assembled by the students) in high mode. Guests
This year also exhibited outstanding work in schools
techniques and sample count on the old game consoles
RescateRetrobit ( Registration
projects can expose students work from previous years and also
unfinished projects. This year, like previous ones, will present awards and commendations for outstanding projects of the students. will be open from 18:00 pm. to 21:30 hs.
Admission is free for the whole community.
look forward to your presence and participation.
Lucas Coudures Zenz
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License
Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 2.5 Argentina
look forward to your presence and participation.
Lucas Coudures Zenz
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License
Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 2.5 Argentina
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