Thursday, October 1, 2009

One Day I Pregnant

ExpoProyecto 2009

27 to 29 October - Patio de las Americas

The Department of Engineering and Technological Research --------------------- Within the exhibition, on October 29, will be performed RoboLucha UNLaM, a robot competition (assembled by the students) in high mode. Guests

This year also exhibited outstanding work in schools
techniques and sample count on the old game consoles
RescateRetrobit ( Registration


projects can expose students work from previous years and also
unfinished projects. This year, like previous ones, will present awards and commendations
for outstanding projects of the students. will be open from 18:00 pm. to 21:30 hs.
Admission is free for the whole community.

look forward to your presence and participation.

Lucas Coudures Zenz

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License
Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 2.5 Argentina


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