Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Carrizo Springs Javelin Facebook

inlambrica Network Setup Debian Lenny with WPA2

happened to comment on the step to configure WIFI on Debian Lenny.

System: Debian 5 Lenny

Network card: Broadcom Corporation BCM4311

802.11b / g (rev 01)

DHCP Security: WPA2-PSK

AES kernel module:

HowToIdentifyADevice PCI

How to use WiFi

HOWTO: Wireless Security - WPA1, WPA2, LEAP, etc.


Wireless To search our plate we can use the lspci command:
# lspci
add "contrib" in our official repository of Debian, / etc / apt / sources.list: deb lenny main contrib non-free packages

aptitude update installed the driver and security wpa: # aptitude install b43-fwcutter
wpasupplicant wireless-tools (we accept to download the firmware from the Internet)
raise the module: modprobe b43

possible networks we use to scan: iwlist wlan0 scan
We can also install Wifi-Radar to make the same thing but graphically:
aptitude install wifi-radar
For this test I want to connect to a hidden network using: WPA2-PSK AES

For this we create wpa passphrase: ID password
create the configuration file / etc / wpa_supplicant / wpa_supplicant.conf, inside is copy the file output of last command and some extra parameters, we have to look like:
ctrl_interface = / var / run / wpa_supplicant network = {

ssid = "xxxx" (here is your ssid)

scan_ssid = 1 proto = WPA2 Protocol (wpa2)
key_mgmt = WPA-PSK psk = dc6e50d4177da9db9e19c7bc33eab71d948069eb7583a03d136f35b1da24ed3b

} NOTE: The command wpa_passphrase they leave a psk =... where is the encrypted password and a # psk = password unencrypted, remember to delete the # psk = password, to leave only the encrypted version.

only remains to modify / etc / network / interfaces so that they look like this:

auto wlan0 iface wlan0 inet dhcp wpa-driver

(in my case I'm using the driver that corresponds to wext my motherboard Broadcom) Restart

interfaces to directly take their ip dhcp server and ready:
/ etc / init.d / networking restart

############### ################### Extra


Example configuration file / etc / networl / interfaces

auto wlan0 iface wlan0 inet static

gateway address dns-nameservers
192,168,168,230 192,168,168,230
netmask wpa-driver
wpa-ssid wpa

-ap-scan 2 wpa-

proto RSN wpa-pairwise CCMP wpa-group

CCMP wpa-key-mgmt WPA-PSK wpa-psk

[IMPORTANT: See "WPA-PSK key generation"]

* auto wlan0:
Your network interface (eg wlan0, eth1, rausb0, ra0, etc...)

* iface wlan0 inet static:
Self-explanatory... I am using a Static IP instead of DHCP. "iface wlan0" must correspond to your network interface (see above).

* address, netmask, [..], dns-nameservers:
Also self-explanatory... Be aware that "broadcast" needs to end with ".255" for negotiation with the router. These lines need to be according to your own (static) network settings. For DHCP see further below.

* wpa-driver:
Use "wext" only. All other drivers are outdated no longer used.

* wpa-ssid:
Your network's ESSID (no quotes ""). Please avoid blanks/spaces as they will created problems during key generation (see below).

* wpa-ap-scan:
"1" = Broadcast of ESSID.
"2" = Hidden broadcast of ESSID.

* wpa-proto:
"RSN" = WPA(2)
"WPA" = WPA(1)

* wpa-pairwise & wpa-group:
"CCMP" = AES cipher as part of WPA(2) standard.
"TKIP" = TKIP cipher as part of WPA(1) standard.

* wpa-key-mgmt:
"WPA-PSK" = Authentication via pre-shared key (see 'key generation' further below).
"WPA-EAP" = Authentication via enterprise authentication server.

VERY IMPORTANT ("WPA PSK Key Generation"):
Now convert your WPA ASCII password using the following command:

Resulting in an output like... Quote:
psk=fe727aa8b64ac9b3f54c72432da14faed933ea511ecab1 5bbc6c52e7522f709a
Copy the "hex_key" (next to "psk=...") and replace
in the "interfaces" files with it. Then save the file and restart your network:
sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart

espero les sea de utilidad.

Lucas Coudures Zenz

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License
Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 2.5 Argentina


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