Saturday, May 17, 2008

How To Cover Ugly Basin Pipes

Chakras " That is magnified healing? Who am

"Magnified Healing" and is a therapy in which we can heal ourselves and others, both personally and from a distance, through our hands briskly.

energy used is the same universal life energy using Reiki but Magnified Healing ® is not channeled and magnified a thousand times, thank you a divine dispensation doing, is why the healing is quick and accurate.

The patient is going to relax, close your eyes, and also when asked will answer and say default claims for healing.

The method is simple but effective and also very beautiful to the healing and paciente.Una unique experience.
What will it heal?
The nervous system, it will redistribute the calcium in the backbone, cleaning and balancing the chakras and subtle bodies 9, healing of karma, ascension.

IN MY CASE AS BEGIN WITH ONE THERAPIST Magnified Healing, and culminates with a section of REIKI.

Healing Crisis

may feel discomfort during the cleansing or healing crises are normal, you are releasing the emotional pain, physical and mental.


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