Saturday, May 17, 2008

What Does F Mean On A Receipt?

SAHAR: the crown chakra . integrates the human and the trascendente.Nos about heaven and the divine. AGNA
: It is known as third ojo.Esta located on the forehead, ears relates , nose, eyes and encephalic trunk . It allows us to see things not visible in the material world. Determines intuition and what contactocon mystical.
Vishuddha : In the larynx is the center of the communication . In harmony , enables a smooth respiration and expression segura.El fear can do to lock affecting speech. Anahata
: From heart, affects the lungs, heart , chest, sangre.Se associated with love and sympathy . To strengthen it, meditate visualize the color green in a forest.
Manipura, solar plexus is our autoimagen.En harmony, clear thoughts and emotions generated sound, locked, generating anger and hostility.
Svadhisthana: The sacrum, exerts its influence on kidneys, appetite and harmonizes sensualidad.Se inmunidad.Determina the marine environment or waterways.
Muladhara: raiz.Activa charkras of bladder, sexual organs, reproduction and security.The aroma of the ground matches.


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