Thursday, December 9, 2010

Installing Tile In Bath Tu

sacred dance Kaoshikii

's Dance
for 21 minutes daily practice
-cure 22 diseases
Kaoshiki is a dance performed by all students, and consists of 18 mudras, each with a specific meaning. The dance is both spiritual and physical exercise. Spiritual ideation dance is performed to establish a link with the divine and the physical strength and smooths the body. There is also a statement that the exercise strengthens the nervous and endocrine system to balance the whole body.


Kaoshikii was developed taking into account the impact of the glands and tissues. . It is a complete exercise for whole body. Nrtya Kaoshikii extends the life: women who dance are regularly maintained fit and healthy at least until the age of 80 years. spine is flexible - a rigid backbone is indicative of older age. Another advantage is that children make application easier and reduce the pain involved in childbirth. Pregnant women can practice dancing until the later stages of pregnancy, depending on your physical condition. hip joints are also strengthened by two strong steps to end the dance. Moreover, body fat is reduced. Dance acts as an antidote for many types of disease.


's self-expression, confidence and satisfaction are some of the mental benefits. Too many complex emotions that plague the mind can be overcome and controlled.
When the invention of dance Shrii Shrii Anandamurti said "all the world, women are subjected, they are considered second-class citizens in all countries. If you practice this dance, it will not stay more tenuous.

Spiritual benefits: mental ideation is essential for the dance is based on the idea of \u200b\u200bstriving to achieve a spiritual goal - to realize the relationship between - self and the Cosmic. The dancer imagines himself to be like a flower lotus in the egg yolks with its and the gradual opening petals unfolding to reveal the finer and finer layers of petals and the latest
below is reflected in the dancing body moves sideways, forwards and backwards from upright stance.deriva name of Icosa samskrta word meaning "layer of mind."

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Tea That Helps You Debloat


New H1Droid update version 0.4 which are improvements over the previous version, although some way behind.

So far none of the available versions are fully functional. The use to verify the operation of Android on your terminal and go see the progress that is being made to get a fully functional version.

flash tutorial H1Droid


version 0.4 Release Date: 26/11/2010 Topics

-base operating system, desktop, menu, image display, missed calls ...
-works the reception of messages, but sending does not reach its destination.
Recharge the battery.
"You can make calls and receive calls, the microphone does not work but if you listen to the other party.
-Performance fluid.
-Recognition using mobile USB cable to your PC with Android .
-Ability to Install Android applications. (. Apk). not work in this version.

Improvements over the previous version 0.3:-Home
much faster.
"It improves the resolution to 800x480.
-Improvements in the sound.
-Mas fluid.

Outstanding issues (general):
-button does not work off (to turn off remove the battery.)
"It slows down when you exit the Standby mode.
, does not work the camera, wireless networks, GPRS and 3G.

If test version can give their opinions in the comments, as well as to report bugs or features that work and are not mentioned.

Download: v0.4 H1droid

Drivers Display De Nvidia Geforce 6510se

version 0.4 version 0.3

already explained the current process for changing the operating system of our Samsung H1 Android to , let's talk a bit about the versions available at the moment of what we call H1Droid .

So far none of the available versions are fully functional. The use to verify the operation of Android on your terminal and go see the progress that is being made to get a fully functional version.

flash tutorial H1Droid

H1DROID version 0.3

This was the first version where you began to see significant progress.

Issues resolved:
-base operating system, desktop, menu, image viewing, missed calls ...
-works the reception of messages, but sending does not reach its destination.
Recharge the battery.
"You can make calls and receive calls, the microphone does not work but if you listen to the other party.
-Performance fluid.
-Recognition using USB cable from PC to mobile in Android.
-Possibility of Installing Android applications. (. apk). Outstanding items

-button does not work off (to turn off remove the battery.)
"It slows down when you exit the Standby mode.
, does not work the camera, wireless networks, GPRS and 3G.

If test version can give their opinions in the comments, as well as to report bugs or features that work and are not mentioned.

Download: H1droid V0.3

Friday, December 3, 2010

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H1DROID flash tutorial H1DROID

break in this season that has had the blog have appeared new H1DROID ROMs ( Android for our Samsung H1), which we will explain in future post Moreover, these have seen the light in a short period of time, which makes us understand that the issue is not so stands as previously thought.

why I thought convenient to create a more extensive reference Tutorial for Flashing our terminals with these ROMs, as it did in its day to Flash with Odin and has been updated.

We must bear in mind that we need to work with both Windows and Linux to do so, if you are a regular user of Windows it is easiest to have a CDLive of Linux, for example for this tutorial I have made the tests with Ubuntu CDLive of .

What is a CDLive? Simple, an operating system we have in a CD and need not be installed on the hard disk.

General Steps:
- Format microSD card by Linux and make files.
- Flashing our Samsung H1 with Odin.

1 .- From Linux (Ubuntu)

Format microSD card. We make two partitions on the card, the main ext3 never exceed 1GB of storage, and the second in fat32.

ext3 extension will be chosen to host the system files and android will be the phone's internal memory, and the second in Fat32 will be the memory will function as if it were a microSD card.

-We will have our distribution of Linux.

-In linux console and work through us logaremos as root.

# su # password: "introducir_la_contraseña."
If our partition is Ubuntu, the command "sudo nautilus" will have access to everything. Run a tool

partitioning. In our case Gparted:
# gparted

In the application select the card and formatted: ext3
-Extension : less than 1Gb. Fat32-partition
: The rest of the memory capacity.

After formatting the card, enter your location: # cd ubicación_de_la_partición_ext3_de_la_tarjeta

where to download the file containing the Android system by: # tar zxvf
[ubicación_del_archivo] / X.tar.bz2

Finally delete the folder that was created by default formatting ext3 "lost + found."
lost + found # rm

2 .- From Windows:
First of all those who have never used the Odin review: Flash Tutorial H1.

In this section we will shortly be extended, since we have the previous tutorial. Light the mobile
in Administrator mode: pulsadon with the phone off the camera button + power + volume down simultaneously.

Flash with the Odin elhttp: / / file "X.tar" on the PDA's Odin, the other options we will leave as are by any standard. Anger is

Tutorial updated as they still needed more steps or make it clearer.

Links: Android ver.01 - H1DROIDV0.1
Links: Android V0.2 (soon)
Links: Android V0.3 - H1DROIDV0.3
Links: Android v0.4 - H1DROIDV0.4

Thanks to all people:
Limofans GSMSpain
And Forums: Samsung H1 and H1DROID

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Linsey Dawn Mckenzie First Ever Pic

entrees: I uploaded my H1 I do? Samsung will not H2

Personally, I find it hard to go one by one, answering all comments, both as Blog Post of the blog ( ) referentes a errores del móvil ocurridos generalmente al Flashear o modificar el terminal.

Algunos casos como:
No pasa el teléfono del modo Downloading .
Se queda al encender reiniciando constantemente el terminal sin pasar de " Samsung ".
Sale en la pantalla un pc con una "X".
No pasa de la imagen con una tarjeta sim...

Por estos errores y otros muchos que nos han pasado ha algunos usuarios, estoy preparando una Entrada con las diferentes soluciones, de las cuales ya tengo recopiladas algunas por los usuarios que han pasado por aquí y por experiencia personal.

Desde aquí hago un llamamiento to all users who have come up one of these or any failure to leave a message in this post or email the blog, with what happened and how can I fix it (if you have the better picture), so that any user that happens to you or return to have a bug in the phone has a point where concern before taking the SAT or ask either here or on the various forums dedicated to our terminal.

If this Blog or any user of a Samsung H1 ever helped you, this is your time to help other users. Thanks in advance to all.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Fake Fever Ear Thermomiter

So, is canceled or Samgung Samsung i8330 H2 and apparently from xatakamovil inform us that in a news alert that Vodafone does not intend to get more exclusive phones with the OS LiMo Vodafone 360 \u200b\u200b+ .

personally do not see it as a terminal with a future, because the problem we have with Samsung H1 Samsung continued to exist in the H2, ie a hardware to match the best, perocon an OS newborn, debug and problems that have to come amended by Vodafone and 360.

are in the same statement has it that Vodafone 360 \u200b\u200bwill continue to exist, which leaves the interpretation that side will not give the user a Samsung H1/M1 and will committed to this service, but as an added plus in the terminal operator.

Via: xatakamovil

Friday, July 23, 2010

Melanoma Internal Organs

Android First ROM Firmware ver.0.1

already long since we had been waiting for the day on which Android start seeing the light in our terminals, and it seems that today, although a first beta version nonfunctional we can begin to see the results of months of work by a few brave.

The Rom that comes limofans today, and is aimed to prove that you can boot it in our terminals and between all "community" get Android make something functional in our Samsung H1.

What can we do? Actually in this first version can not do much, especially personally test the flow of SO as the features such as phone (call-messages), camera, internet, installation of applications ... and more things do not work yet.

Here is a small basic tutorial for those who want to venture:

Android runs from a microSD card, but we need to flash the terminal to tell the same having to find the operating system on the memory card.

From a Linux OS formatted the drive, unmount the drive and remove the partition.
Then create a new partition, format ext3 (as Fat32 but in Linux). We

Format the volume of the new partition and reassemble.

We enter the location of the card (possible location "/ media / [nombre_de_la_partición].

Unzip the file" release_root_v.0.1.tar.gz "in" / media / [nombre_de_la_partición]. With and command tar zxvf [ubicación_del_archivo] / release_root_v0.1.tar.gz.

And as last step from Windows flash the Odin Part i6410 PDA with the file " i8320_android.tar " as standard Flash Tutorial .

Thanks especially to all the people of limofans and GSMSpain and especially wallace200 has been the first to submit a mini-tutorials for the installation of the ROM.

Download: H1 Android version 0.1

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

How To Fix My Answering Machine Vtech

Look Cristal H1 Moisesfco hand

Moisesfco brings new developments regarding firmwares for samsung H1, if a few days ago we saw the new firmware next style Samsung H2, we can see a new one with the H1 style menu but the icons "crystal".

The truth that moisesfco firmware are very far reaching, as can be seen on different websites and forums of different countries moisesfco modifications made by the latter, a reference site for all we are up to date in terms of fimrwares Samsung and our terminals in general

Large differences have this regarding the latest firmware (H2), is, back to back applications that are minimized but we lose the menu different from H2.

If you want to try the firmware: i8320moisesfcoCristal
Tutorial: Flash of

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Collectable Knightsbridge Dolls

New videos on Android 2.2 on the i8320

The truth is that little by little it's moving over the issue of port of our phone, spoke to them in the last post the new possibility had emerged, Meegan , not to mention the great strides is bringing Forum Moisesfco GsmSpain (pasense few see it for yourselves).

And in the same way forward and a video of android-fans , which showed a dubious Android running on a Samsung H1, well, today we can see two more videos China this website where we can still see running Android in our Samsung H1.

To view the videos click on the image of them.

In the first video we see the start of Android.

video is something more interesting as we begin to see some features that already work with Android .

Via: Youku and android-fans

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

How To Regulate Pressure On Recon Tack 5

Meegan, another possible OS for our Samsung H1

We've talked several times that he was working in the port of Android , today we talk about Meegan has a new OS for mobile , which also happened today is primer día o “Day 1” de la experiencia de usuario del SO para moviles MeeGo .

Ya se comentaba por los distintos foros en los que nos movemos los usuarios de los Samsung H1 , que el port a MeeGo seria mas sencillo que Android ya que este nuevo sistema operativo que nos han traído de la mano Intel y Nokia , es otro SO de código abierto por la Fundación Limo .

Tanto es una realidad que MeeGo es mas fácil de implementar que a pesar de que llevar poco tiempo publicado ya es posible cargar una ROM a nuestro terminal desde SD card, so if you do not expect it to be still functional, but it is certainly a big step.

The link where you're dealing with the issue of port of MeeGo our Samsung H1 and where we have a small boot tutorial MeeGo on a memory card then also from the same if we have programming skills could bring our knowledge.

Meego - Samsung H1 Wiki

Here's a video of how serious the new OS for the Samsung H1:

Still waiting for those who follow the port to Android is a video direct from China which shows an Android Samsung started in H1 undoubtedly another breakthrough.

can not embed the video, leave the link of the same

Video Android running on a Samsung GT-i8320

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Natuurist Family Vids

kirtan yoga and meditation


experiential course based on a unique method to introduce participants to the yogic lifestyle and contact with nature to develop their learning.

The course includes:

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and much more ...

Holistic Yoga, Ananda Marga, yoga asana. General headquarters belgrano rock
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in charge of the classes will be ac. Avt Ramashrayananda
yoga and meditation teacher

Monday, June 7, 2010

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New Firmware hand Moisesfco

As we discussed in another post, the imminent arrival of the next Samsung H1 The next terminal Limo taxes to bring us some advantages for our terminal.
In this case, thanks to Moisesfco have a new firmware based Firmware Samsung H2, which we can say that it is only a beginning and there are still many things to polish and improve, but it looks very very well in this first version of Firmware Moisesfco of change mainly apps menu, enhancing (rather than significantly) its speed and icons (now square if the terminal screen).

Although now has the bug that applications are to be minimized still not working.

If you want to try this new firmware: i8320moifco1
And do not forget to stop by the Flash Tutorial .

To follow all the progress of the amendments be passed by Moisesfco Official forum GSMSpain which is now in the third volume.

Friday, May 21, 2010

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A frightening reality ..... but with much humor

Monday, May 10, 2010

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More news on the next terminal LiMo

yesterday from Twitter SamsungFirmares , we hear more news of H2 or Samsung i8330 which is manufacturing Samsung and Vodafone .

Among them we find new terminal specifications: Touch screen
SO, as we knew, ut with the news that will be with the version (as expected by some) R3.
-GPS, Bluetooth, WiFi and UMTS HSPA connectivity (7.2 Mbps). Camara
8 Megapixel with LED flash (continuous HD recording.)
front and rear speakers.

1Ghz processor.

This terminal will also be "Vodafonidado" with our terminals H1, as indicated by the letters "BU" (see meaning of the acronym) of firmware already indicated in a previous Post and known that soon we will have photos of the new terminal, which is expected to appear within three months.

In short, more of the same, mainly the touch screen (same as the new S8500), the camera and the OS version r3, hopefully also get Samsung H1.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Does Cm Mean Ovulation

Two new games for the Samsung H1

often hard to find games new to our terminal (other than from payments from the store), work properly, and that either do not work full screen, appears to us with a virtual keyboard or simply not work and if they do, is at a speed that makes it impossible to execute.

Today I bring a couple of games that work well in our phone, to display competence and which I have already addressed the problem of virtual keyboard ( tutorial) and pixelated icons ( tutorial).

The first game is Space Invaders Evolution , Who does not? The legendary arcade game to kill to kill Martians.

Download: SpaceInvadersEvoluciónSamsungH1

And second we Abracadaball , or we could call it another version of ZUMA, where the player must form groups of three or more colored balls around the track before they reach the end of the circuit.

Download: AbracadaballSamsungH1

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Street Italica Dishware

How to create widgets Backup File Updated

The first thing to acknowledge the contribution the forum has Xeronn gsmspain / Thread Samsung H1

Essential to perform a backup of widgets is to have a firmware modified telnet access ( tutorial), and we need access to the POS Telnet.

1 .- Run in a terminal, or konsole command " telnet [IP Address ], p. ahem. "telnet "

2 .- Insert the login "root "

3 .- Type "cd opt / share / widget / " and press
Run "ls-la " to list the directory.
Run cd / carpeta_MyWidget "to enter the desired folder.
Run cd .. "to exit the folder.

4 .- To find the downloaded apps write " vi / carpeta_MyWidget / config.xml ." If we seek the latest widget installed folder
have the highest number.

5 .- We show the contents of the file. Find the label
, ie MiWidget the name of the app is "MiWidget."
If that is the member of our app folder then "Bingoo", followed the next step, otherwise you run the previous step but
changing the folder name, ie p.ejem. " vi / otra_carpeta / config.xml " and to locate the widget you want.

6 .- If you want to copy the folder, for later editing:
Run cp-r / carpeta_MyWidget / mnt / ums / "the folder will be copied into the root directory of the phone.
Run cp-r / carpeta_MyWidget / mnt / mmc / "the folder will be copied into the root directory of the memory card.

7 .- If we create directly executable as archivo.wgt:
Run pwd "to check that we are in the folder of the widget you want, if not, see point 3, ie
must be within the widget directory.
Run tar-cf / mnt / ums / carpeta_MyWidget / MyWidget.wgt * ", the executable file will be created and copied in the root directory of the phone.
Run tar-cf / mnt / mmc / carpeta_MyWidget / MyWidget.wgt * ", the executable file will be created and copied to the root directory of the memory card

Monday, April 26, 2010

How Many Calories Are In China Mist Tea


If you decide to follow the detailed tutorial below note that is low your responsibility and you could lose your warranty.

Before you begin, indicate that he does not know which is the terminal Flash that passes through the post of Tutorial main Flashing Samsung H1.

First thanks for this contribution to the moisesfco GSMspain forum.

We have to make a short summary of the most important, the costs Firmware mainly of three parts: PDA, PHONE and CSC, of \u200b\u200bwhich until now could only PDA PHONE upgrade because we are provide different sources (mainly:
This third file is not updated today's date by Vodafone or by NPS or for updates via OTA ).

How to find out which version I have? Easy dialing and calling code: * # 1234 # (to see more, codes). This file is moisesfco has given us i8320ATLIK5 version, which is the fifth revision of November 2009, noted that so far the Samsung H1 to sell new versions are even with the J4 and J6, corresponding to four six revisions of October the same year.

What this gives us a new file? The main improvement it brings, is to solve the problems that some users have had to make a hard-reset, they appeared the ghost of famous icons and Monopoly popcat , already in place (in demo mode and possibility, paying clear get the full version). Besides it does not bring great improvements to the naked eye of the user, rather than as each new version of eliminating potential bugs and performance improvements transparent. Did

who recommends this update? Primarily for users who have a Samsung H1 acquired outside of Spain, and the phone works with a file CSC the country of origin of the phone and usually they fail to be running some phone service in our country. Lastly

point, unlike when we update the files PHONE PDA and our phone, update the CSC leads delete some of the information we have in your phone memory, images, videos ... almost everything except the Vodafone 360 \u200b\u200bconnected to that the re-logged after you upgrade automatically recovers.

If after reading the post, decided to update the CSC, have no more than follow the Tutorial Flashing H1, performing the same steps with this new file.

Download: CSC i8320ATLIK5 .
Dercarga: CSC i8320ATLIK5 + I8320BUJB2 . Password: moisesfco.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Brownie Vest Cookie Patches

New LiMo Samsung: i8330

Well, yes, yesterday we discovered in the hands of Twitter SamsungFirmwares that Samsung in conjunction with Vodafone is manufacturing a new terminal LiMo, the Samsung i8330 .

This terminal have the first firmware, i8330BUJD4 (fourth revision of April), which work a bit to discover many things, thanks to Firmware will we ensure that the system LiMo implemented in the operational, and the same style as our terminal, 3D calendar, same format of the menus, keyboard ... in general is pretty empty the firm. since it is the first firmware of a phone that not much is known, although everything seems to be the next Samsung H2 already rumored.

Why we served this to us? It is always a step they come out more terminals with our own OS, as this brings greater involvement by companies to develop it, as well as the possibility of leaving more applications, and implement the Firmware of these terminals to ours if he brought interesting news.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Things To Write Wedding


The end of the App Star Competition, has finally begun to give some interesting applications in the final straight of the first phase, which is that in the early days, well let's face until the last days of the first phase of the thing was very stop.

With the completion of the first phase will accumulate a total of 98 applications for our terminal, we can find each other quite varied, Games, apps news, entertainment, social networks ... To review all

: App Star Competition Widgets

Another wanted to talk about today is, NetFront Widgets, a community created by ACCESS Developer , the same as in ALP (Access Linux Platform), developers of LiMo . Widgets NetFront

was created as an application platform for Windows Mobile , adding to these a pitcher. On this page you can find applications for our terminal, as these have also been created with Eclipse and formats. Wgt .
To access this page there has to make a prior registration earlier, also comment that although these applications work as described in the description of each and are scheduled correctly for our SO ., do not work full screen as they were not programmed exclusively for our terminal, but for Windows Mobile .

For what we use then? Some application may seem interesting, but not full screen and commenting if you know a little programming with Eclipse , you can adapt them to our terminals.

Via: NetFront Widgets

Thursday, April 15, 2010

How To Get The Phlegm Out Of My Baby

Applications and Widgets NetFront Web Changes

may find some faults in the Blog for today [15 April 2010], as it will make several changes to the web, I hope to finish as soon as possible and as soon as possible to enjoy all the content.



Wednesday, April 14, 2010

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The practice of meditation helps to improve performance in virtually all mind functions like memory and concentration, while developing the spirituality of the practitioner.
Meditation is a science and an art.
is a science that has been developed over thousands of years by many people around the world who have approached her holding an objective point of view, experiencing and observing carefully the nature of this practice and its results.
But we must not forget the subjective point of view. Meditation is also an art because its deepest levels, experience and benefits are better understood in an intuitive way, ie in a way that is not so easy to communicate. Definitely, the only way to meet such levels is through meditation practice. Mayor

* Greater creativity.

* Improved memory.

* Increased order in brain function.

* Increased self-realization.

* Increased understanding and capacity for concentration and attention.

* Improvement in school.

* Ability to learn quickly.

* Higher levels of moral reasoning.

Health Benefits:

* natural change and improvement in breathing.

* Lower blood pressure.

* Reduced stress and anxiety.

* Increased relaxation.

* holistic health improvement.

* Reduced hospitalization.

* Less need for outpatient medical care.

* Decrease in the use of alcohol and drugs.

* Increased longevity. social benefits at:

* Improved heart health.

* Less anxiety.

* Increased self-esteem and confidence.

* Improved performance at work.

* Increased optimism.

* Reduction of crime.

* Improving the quality of life.

* Improvement in the life of relationship family.