Bordeaux: Château Lamothe Despujols 2010 (Sauternes). Primeurs
The origins of Château Lamothe , located within walking distance of the town of Sauternes, dating back to his personality defensive fortress, where, first in the eighth century, the villagers sought gala defend against invasions berries, and then a century later, they looked the same with the Norman attacks. In 1814 a British merchant, Mr. Dowling, acquired the property remodeling and improving the structure of vineyards. But it was in 1961 when the family Despujols, took command of the farm, now counting with 7.5 hectares planted mainly with the variety semillon. Guy Despujols directed the property since 1989, showing professionalism and thoroughness that is then translated into complete and complex wine. The Château Lamothe Sauternes is vinified with a slow pressing and fermentation in small tanks. 18 to 30 months in the barrel, with replacement of part each year. Twenty thousand bottles produced anuales.
Sin lugar a dudas fue el sauternes más brillante de cuantos pude catar en la exhibición masiva de Château Desmirail.
Color dorado brillante, con reflejos verdosos claros. Nariz aromática y profunda, con notas fragantes de limón, melón, albaricoque y piel de naranja. Advierte de la futura presencia de un tono floral, que será más intencionado que en el presente. Boca rica, untuosa, placentera. Presenta un buen equilibrio entre dulzor y acidez, manteniendo la frontera entre ambos y enseñando un recorrido alegre, fresco y graso. Recorrido suave pero con previsión de mayor concentración en un futuro no muy lejano. Amable. Buena persistencia. Me da pruebas de clase y casta. Su final es fresco, dando has a hint of citrus and a fringe that show some flowery. It is a wine that makes you a nod in the aftertaste, while whispers something like "I'm fruity and floral, but I'll be mellow."
Great balance for great wine, which is absolutely great. My personal stake in the category of this Primeurs Sauternes.
Highly recommended.
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